July 21, 2001
New firmware v1.2.3 available. This fixes problems with the infra-red remote control decoding.

June 30, 2001
Quick note - check the mp3pub/source directory in the CVS repository for mp3lib. The mp3lib and empty directories are left over from my lack of experience with CVS! (CVS won't let you remove a directory, to my knowledge - if anyone knows otherwise, let me know!).

June 29, 2001
Just released an initial .ZIP file of all the project files currently available. The CVS repository is also browseable, although I think some of the binary files contained within may be broken.

The main item of interest in the CVS repository is mp3lib, which is a library for communicating with a HD-based player. The library allows programmers to develop applications for downloading tracks to the player, as well as performing general filesystem management tasks. Documentation is auto-generated with the fabulous doxygen.